Monday, February 21, 2011

52 Letters in 52 Weeks - #6

A couple weeks ago I became aware of Renee's blog at The 2011 Letter Project.  She is a homeschooling mother who is trying to collect 2,011 letters this year from all over the world.  This is just the kind of project that appeals to me and it just happens to fit in with my own 52 Letters in 52 Weeks Project.

I dropped a small package in the mail to Renee last week and it hopefully has arrived by now.  I wrote a letter telling her family about Cincinnati, where I grew up, as well as the city to the north where I now live.  I told her about two of my favorite Cincinnati destinations -- Cincinnati Museum Center at Union Terminal and the Cincinnati Zoo.  I explained how Cincinnati got the nickname "Porkopolis" (think slaughterhouses) and how the winged pig has become the mascot of the city.  I tossed in some brochures for local Cincinnati destinations including King's Island amusement park and Coney Island, King's Island's predecessor along the Ohio River.

I also sent her a Cincinnati treat -- a can of Skyline Chili.  Cincinnati is well known for its special chili, which is significantly different from the Texas-style chili most people are used to.  For a brief history of Cincinnati chili you can out the Wikipedia page, which will not only tell you some of the more unusual ingredients in Cincinnati chili but also tell you the difference between a two-way and a five-way. 

The best thing about Renee's project is that she posts pictures and information about the letters she receives, so we all get to share in her project.  I encourage you to check it out for a good read and if you're interested in sending them a letter, shoot her an e-mail and she'll be happy to send you contact information.


  1. I think you covered the most noteworthy things about Cincinnati - except maybe Aglamesis and the Reds.

  2. I love Cincinnati Chili!I grew up in Indianapolis, but I have family in Cincinnati, so I've experienced the chili. My favorite is a 4 way. I'm not a fan of chopped onions.
